Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Almost Done!
Less than twenty four hours and I am officically done with my first semester of college. I couldn't be more excited! A couple nights ago I went to my friend's house and we signed up for next semester classes. I just cant beleive how fast everything is going now that I'm out on my own doing something that really matters. I feel like I just moved into my apartment in May, and now I'm already looking for apartments for next May. I took a year off of school after I graduated, so when I returned I didnt quite know what to expect. But now that I am here actually experiencing all of the freedom it's totaly worth-while. I cant wait to see what next semester brings!
When it rains, it pours.
My mother always told me that when it rains, it pours. And she didnt mean this literally. You could kind of compare what she said to a downward spiral..not to be cliche or anything. I completely beleive this is true. Since i started high school, and got my first job, and started paying some of my own bills and I began to realize what "real-life" was all about. I hate it. Rent, medical bills, the electric bill, water bill, gas, parking tickets, traffic violations, maybe a drinking ticket here and there. Once you get one, it seems as though it will never end and you will be paying bills until you die, and even after. Or maybe it's just me? I got my first ticket my sophomore year of high school and I swear, ever since then I have been paying fines and bills up the ying. One month I will feel like the load is getting a little bit lighter, but then I head to the store in my car while texting and get an inatentive driving ticket. There's another $88.00. And it isnt easy living with three people that are constantly cold and crank the heat to 75. Here comes another $100.00 electric bill. I guess all I'm asking is that whoever made up the rules of life tell me what they were thinking?
my best friend
Best Friend
"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." -Henry Ford
Each and every day friends come into our lives, and then they depart. But, there are some friends in particular that eventually decide to fasten themselves to youe hip and stick around. This is what most call a best friend. And my best friend's name is Allison.
What makes Allison so special to me? Being like the brightest crayon crayola ever created, Allison is so striking and intelligent that she captivated the minds of most, but mostly mine. Ever since the begining of our "kinder-years" Allison and I have stuck side by side facing the world as if there was no such things as fear. As though God knew we would need each other someday to bring out the best in each other.
Growing up, Allison and I had very similar lives. We always went to the same school, we grew up on the same part of town, and occasionally our parents would even hit up the same venue to watch the latest local band play, sometimes it being her parents themselves. It was always fun being at Allison's house because of the instruments that lay in the basement. Always pursuing music, Allison convinced me to try by encouraging me and always telling me I would make a great guitarist in her "latest band". Although it never became, she made me feel great, like someday I would actually have musical talent. "My best friend is the one that brings out the best in me."
It wasn't always singing and laughter though. Of course there were hinders. In the spring of 2002 when Allison and I were just shy of turning fourteen, Allison was raped. Although devastatingly true, Allison kept her head held high and never felt ashamed like some victims we hear about. I myself thought she would shatter into a million pieces, but she never lost her self-worth or dignity. That year was a tough year, but I was taught the lesson of courage, that I now use every day. "My best friend is the one that brings out the best in me."
Allison and I now live many miles apart. Just after eighth grade, Allison and her family packed up and moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. The day she moved I thought would be the last day of our adventures, conquering the world one problem or excitement at a time, and possibly even the end of our friendship. But months and even years have passed and she is still a big part of my life. Allison had taught me to always be strong and that even though miles lie between us, we are never far apart. "My best friend is the one that brings out the best in me."
My best friend's name is Allison. I feel love for her like I feel love for my sister. We will always face obstacles together, and we will always share joy. Side by side or miles apart, Allison will alway be my best friend, and "my best friend is the one that brings out the best in me!"
-Caitlin Crandall
"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." -Henry Ford
Each and every day friends come into our lives, and then they depart. But, there are some friends in particular that eventually decide to fasten themselves to youe hip and stick around. This is what most call a best friend. And my best friend's name is Allison.
What makes Allison so special to me? Being like the brightest crayon crayola ever created, Allison is so striking and intelligent that she captivated the minds of most, but mostly mine. Ever since the begining of our "kinder-years" Allison and I have stuck side by side facing the world as if there was no such things as fear. As though God knew we would need each other someday to bring out the best in each other.
Growing up, Allison and I had very similar lives. We always went to the same school, we grew up on the same part of town, and occasionally our parents would even hit up the same venue to watch the latest local band play, sometimes it being her parents themselves. It was always fun being at Allison's house because of the instruments that lay in the basement. Always pursuing music, Allison convinced me to try by encouraging me and always telling me I would make a great guitarist in her "latest band". Although it never became, she made me feel great, like someday I would actually have musical talent. "My best friend is the one that brings out the best in me."
It wasn't always singing and laughter though. Of course there were hinders. In the spring of 2002 when Allison and I were just shy of turning fourteen, Allison was raped. Although devastatingly true, Allison kept her head held high and never felt ashamed like some victims we hear about. I myself thought she would shatter into a million pieces, but she never lost her self-worth or dignity. That year was a tough year, but I was taught the lesson of courage, that I now use every day. "My best friend is the one that brings out the best in me."
Allison and I now live many miles apart. Just after eighth grade, Allison and her family packed up and moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. The day she moved I thought would be the last day of our adventures, conquering the world one problem or excitement at a time, and possibly even the end of our friendship. But months and even years have passed and she is still a big part of my life. Allison had taught me to always be strong and that even though miles lie between us, we are never far apart. "My best friend is the one that brings out the best in me."
My best friend's name is Allison. I feel love for her like I feel love for my sister. We will always face obstacles together, and we will always share joy. Side by side or miles apart, Allison will alway be my best friend, and "my best friend is the one that brings out the best in me!"
-Caitlin Crandall
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My Vikes
The Vikings. One of the few teams that has never won a super bowl. Yet, I'm still a huge fan. And no, not because Brett Favre has joined on as quarter back. When I was a tot, I decided to ask my dad what his favorite football team was. He said the Vikings, and it was final, theVikings had my heart. It was hard over the years sticking with them with all of the jokes and banter, but I did it. And now all of that hard work is paying off with a season of 10 and 2!

As you know from a pevious blog, my roomate and I have a puppy. About three weeks ago I decided to get a kitten too. When I was growing up I always had a pet around, and most of the time it was a cat. And that cat was usually white. The first ones name was earl. He died on my couch one day from feline lukimia my freshman year of highschool. The next cats name was baxter. He was also white, and he died last year because he got into it with what we thought was a raccoon and lost an eyeball. Gruesome, I know. So that is why I decided to get myself another white kitty and name her Monroe. She is my little puss-in-boots.
Thursday, December 10, 2009

I don't know if you recall, but earlier this semester I wrote a nice little letter to Mother Nature requesting that there be no snow this year. I told her I wouldn't be a little bug, and I wasn't. I told her I would recycle, and I have. But what did she dump on me two nights ago? Snow. A lot of snow. Now when I wrote that letter, I thought it was going to be the end of the world when we get our first snow because I just knew I was going to dread it. But, the more and more I looked out the window that night and saw the soft white sprinkles fall from the sky, I guess I just kind of got in "the mood". The snow actually made me a happier person this week. And no not just because we had no class on Wednesday, but I guess just because it's that time of year. Anyone want to make a snowman?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
20 minutes from our destination and...CRASH.
Ever been in a car accident? I would say it's one of the most terrifying feelings anyone could ever feel. About a week ago my boyfriend and I were on our way back from St. Louis and we were about 20 minutes outside of La Crosse. We were just coming up a slight hill transitioning from a 55 to a 45. As we came up over the hill in the right lane there was a smaller car going about 15mph. Obviously going about 50mph it was kind of hard to stop. We hit the car and needless to say there was damage to both of the cars. No one was seriously hurt, but we had to get a tow and wait for the police to decide what was going to happen. My boyfriend got the ticket because we hit them, but I question that decision. How were we supposed to stop an SUV going 50 miles an hour for a small car going 15 miles an hour? Not to mention they had their dome light on, driving in the right lane when we hit them. What could they possibly be doing not pulled over off the road? hmm...
Military Ball
A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I attended the 2009 army ball in Tomah, WI. Andrew, my boyfriend, is in the army obviously and invited me to this event. At first I was really nervous because I had never been to a formal ball of any kind and I really didnt know what to expect. The one thing that I was really worried about was what I was going to wear. I was told to wear a long formal dress, but I was worried I was going to show up and be the only one wearing a long dress. The day finally came, I had my dress, and off we went. When we got there I noticed every other woman there was wearing a long formal dress; it felt like prom all over again. I was very releived. We ate dinner and listened to some speeches and overall had a great time!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Snuggie anyone?

So about a week ago I decided to turn the heat on for the first time in my apartment. My roommate and I decided that we didnt want to turn it on until it was absolutely necessary, but I was all alone and i was COLD. Plus I had to see if it actually worked. So I went to the thermostat and set it at about 65. I waited a few minutes, and all of the sudden it sounded like and felt like there was a train running through my house. Remembering that the furnace is in my closet built in right next to my precious clothes, I ran into my room to make sure nothing was starting on fire. Now like I said, I was all alone so the sound of a train rolling through was very startling. That, and the thought of a heating bill danced through my head. Needless to say, I turned the heat off right away and decided it was probably best to just leave it that way. Maybe we'll turn it on when our breath is visible. Until then it'll have to be long underwear, snowgear, and snuggies.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Good-Bye summer; Hello the next 7 months I don't care to mention.

Dear Mother Nature,
I was just wondering if you could possibly hold off with the freezing blustery winds, and the wet heavy snow that I will soon have to shovel, until like, May? I promise to never be a litter bug, and I will aways recycle. Deal? Oh, one more thing; Would you mind paying the 26 parking tickets i will get this year due to calendar parking in advance this year if you decide to snow? Thank You!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
All i can say is that i hate my job. I would love so badly to experience the joys and wonders of Oktoberfest but, so far i have worked almost every single day of it. Oh wait, I did get to catch the end of the parade. Ok, I guess I cant complain too much because I did get to go to the fest grounds on Sunday to experience some deliciouse fried blood clotters (cheese curds of course) and a loaded Oktoberfest brat. Yum. And because I'm like 5 years old at heart i got to go on the zipper. That was fun. But I guess all I am trying to say is can't I just catch a break here? I am like 1/18 German afterall. Shouldn't that tell my employer anything?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The joys of a new puppy...
You know that new baby smell, and how it smells so cute and fuzzy that it warms your heart? Well in my case, our "new baby" smells were, fresh yellow puddles on the floor and puppy breath. I would like to introduce you to the latest and greatest edition to our household, Meeka. My roomate Kendra and I decided to get a dog, and Meeka, our 9 lb 10 oz pitbull puppy is the one we chose. I think Kendra is a little more in love with her than I am, but that's only because like clockwork, every day i come home from class or work there is a yellow stream creeping across my carpet. And yes, it is only my carpet. She also begs every time im eating something. Its like Pavlov and classical conditioning, every time she hears the refridgerator door open she is at my feet, mouth open tongue exposed. I guess those are just a couple of the joys of having puppy around. Right?
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